The Golden Spark, Book II of The Legend of the Great Horse trilogy, follows Meagan's adventures through the European Renaissance to the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The title won the 2012 Written Arts Award for best Science Fiction/Fantasy.
As The Golden Spark opens, Meagan finds herself aboard a sailing ship tossed by a storm, trapped in darkness surrounded by the cries of horses. She survives to discover the ship is under the command of the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés, who has brought 13 horses to conquer the New World for Old Spain. Meagan uses her knowledge of horses to survive until rescued by the flight of her beloved Great Horse, Promise.
The book's second historical adventure begins during the English Restoration, where Meagan works herself into a position of groom at an English nobleman’s estate and becomes caretaker and guardian of a flighty horse of the manège (dressage arena) she believes to be the Great Horse of the day. Her adventures lead into entanglements with King Louis XIV of France at the Court of Versailles.
The final historical adventure of The Golden Spark takes place in early 19th century England, where Meagan’s ability with horses helps secure lodging with a farming family in a village outside London. The final scenes are a galloping foxhunt through the countryside in which our heroine equestrienne has ‘one of her best rides ever, maybe her best...’ before falling asleep to the sound of clopping hoofbeats.
Dragons (Mexico — 1519)
Aboard a ship in trouble
The Captain's Orders (Mexico — 1519)
“After God, we owe it to the horses”
A Gypsy’s Warning (Europe — 1666)
“It is wise to be careful of looking into fires, young one.” The woman’s voice was soft and low. “You do not know what might be looking back.”
All the King’s Horses (France — 1667)
“Bother calm. We have talked of nothing else since we began. I want to leap!”
Horse & Hound (England — 1820)
She smiled and gave an embarrassed wave. Pink satin was hardly farm apparel.
“An adventure about the love of horses young and old will love to read...”
Danelle Drake, Reader Views