The books of The Legend of the Great Horse trilogy are available through libraries, local retail and online booksellers.
Please contact the publisher if we may be of assistance!
Eclipsed by Shadow by John Royce
Publisher: Micron Press | LCCN 2008923312
The 1st book of the award-winning tale of a horse-loving girl's adventure through history.
Ages 12 & up.
There are many ways to find Eclipsed by Shadow! All the books of the trilogy may be ordered by booksellers and libraries if not currently shelved. Simply provide the ISBN for the desired format:
Paperback 292pgs; glossary [ISBN: 978-09724121-3-1]
Hardback 304pgs, glossary [ISBN: 978-09724121-5-5]
ebook Editions [ISBN: 978-0-9724121-2-4]Please contact us if you have a question or need assistance!
You can obtain a copy of The Golden Spark in many ways! All the books of the trilogy may be ordered by booksellers and libraries if not currently shelved. Simply provide the ISBN for the desired format:
Paperback 292pgs; glossary [ISBN: 978-0-9724121-6-2]
Hardback 304pgs, glossary [ISBN: 978-0-9724121-4-8]
ebook Editions, glossary [ISBN: 978-0-9724121-1-7]Please contact us if you have a question or need assistance!
The Golden Spark by John Royce
Publisher: Micron Press | LCCN 2010910346
The award-winning 2nd book gallops through the European Renaissance to the modern era.
Ages 12 & up.
Into the Dark by John Royce
Publisher: Micron Press | LCCN 2012940521
The trilogy races to stunning conclusion as the adventure speeds into modern times.
Ages 12 & up.
There are many ways to find Into the Dark! The books of the trilogy may be ordered by booksellers and libraries if not currently shelved ... simply provide the ISBN of the desired format:
Paperback 292pgs; glossary [ISBN: 978-0-9724121-0-0]
Hardback 304pgs, glossary [ISBN: 978-0-9724121-7-9]