The Golden Spark won … ! The book was chosen as a ‘Perfect Pitch Pick’ by Underground Book Reviews and voted to victory by supporters on Facebook!
Underground Book Reviews sent the following announcement, and The Golden Spark was featured on the online magazine’s front page Wednesday (10/14):
The Golden Spark was selected as this week’s PPP winner, because it received the most likes and shares on Facebook. Your book will be featured as our Pitch Perfect Pick winner on Wednesday, and the pitch will go out to our 1,000+ magazine subscribers.
From the Underground Book Reviews About page:
At Underground Book Reviews, we think quality writing not only deserves thoughtful, patient analysis, it demands it. We also give indie & self-published authors the same respect we do traditional bestsellers.
I am especially grateful for independent review sites like Underground Book Reviews, who are helping bridge the gaps between independent writing and the system of today’s book industry.